This page shows the current HYROX World Records, by division.  What’s more, HYROX is for everybody, at all ages. One of the beautiful things about the sport is that results are split up by age group.  Therefore, we also show the current HYROX age group World Records.

Note: keeping this 100% up to date is difficult due to the high number of events, divisions and age groups. If you’re aware that anything has become out of date then let us know!

Men’s Pro

Hunter McIntyre holds the world record in the Men’s Pro division with a time of 53:22m.  This was set in Stockholm on 2nd December 2023.  We spoke to him shortly afterwards in this interview on the Rox Lyfe podcast.

The Men’s Pro world records by age group are as follows:

16-24  –  Tim Wenisch  –  @tim_wenisch  –  00:56:07 (in Cologne 2023)

25-29  –  Sean Noble –  @sean_noble7   –  00:55:30 (in Dublin, November 2024)

30-34  –  Hunter McIntyre  –  @huntthesheriff  – 00:53:22 (in Stockholm, December 2023)

35-39  –  Rich Ryan  –  @richryan610 –  00:54:28 (in Chicago 2024)

40-44  –  Lukas Storath  –  @lukefithyrox  –  00:56:18 (in Anaheim, May 2024)

45-49  –  David Martin Peral   –  01:01:20 (in Malaga 2023)

50-54  –  Simon Passmore  –  @sipass70 –  01:04:09 (in Amsterdam, October 2024)

55-59  –  Joze Kojc   – 01:06:17 (in St. Gallen, February 2024)

60-64  –  Marc Ziesmer  –  01:18:34 (in Hamburg 2023)

65-69  –  John House  –  1:43:42 (in Las Vegas 2022)

Women’s Pro

The Women’s Pro HYROX world record is held by Lauren Weeks with a time of 58:03. It was set in Vienna on 9th February 2024.

The Women’s Pro world records by age group are as follows:

16-24  –  Joanna Wietrzyk  –  @joannawietrzyk  –  00:59:58 (in Hong Kong, November 2024)

25-29  –  Mikaela Norman  –  @normanmikaela  –  01:00:45 (in Hamburg 2022)

30-34  –  Lauren Weeks  –  @lauren_e_weeks  –  00:58:03 (in Vienna, Feb 2024)

35-39  –   Lauren Weeks  –  @lauren_e_weeks –  01:00:31 (in Las Vegas, February 2025)

40-44  –  Jennifer Thompson  –  01:03:05 (in Chicago, November 2024)

45-49  –  Mareesa Robertson  –  @mareesa_robertson  –  01:07:33 (at Melbourne 2023)

50-54  –  Amy Bevilacqua –  @amyzbevilacqua  –  01:01:09 (in Toronto, October 2024)

55-59  –  Anna Buxo –  @anna_buxo_calzada  –  01:15:39 (at 2024 World Championships, June 2024)

60-64  –  Heidi Williams  –  @heidiwocr  –  01:30:32 (in Dallas 2020)

Men’s Open

World record in the HYROX Men’s Open was set by Alexander Roncevic in Cologne on 14th April 2024, with a time of 50:38m.

The Men’s Open world records by age group are as follows:

16-24  –  Joe Orr  –  @jo3orr  –  00:55:55 (in Dublin, Nov 2024)

25-29  –  Ronan Lindsay  –  @coachronanfbh  –  00:54:46 (in Berlin, Apr 2024)

30-34  –  Alexander Roncevic –  @alexander.roncevic  –  00:50:38 (in Cologne, Apr 2024)

35-39  –  Dieter Schwarzkopf  –  @dieter.schwarzkopf  –  00:54:26 (in Hamburg Nov 2023)

40-44  –  Robert van Herk  –  @de_sportvakman –  00:54:43 (in Poznan 2024)

45-49  –  Jose Angel Hidalgo Izquierdo  –  @hidalgo76  –  00:58:00 (in Malaga 2023)

50-54  –  Simon Passmore  –  @sipass70  –  01:00:16 (in Manchester, Nov 2024)

55-59  –  Joze Kojc  –  00:59:19 (in Cologne, Apr 2024)

60-64  –  Wilhelm Lilge  –  @wilhelmlilge –  01:09:39 (in Hamburg Nov 2024)

65-69  –  John Wootton  –  01:17:25 (in Dubai 2024)

70-74  –  Stephen King  –  01:30:00 (in Melbourne, December 2024)

75-79  –  Ronald Bentien  –  01:49:49 (in Hamburg, Nov 2023)

80-84  –  Roel Gaasbeek  –  02:08:42 (in Amsterdam, Nov 2023)


Women’s Open

Note – these are the NEW World Records, set from September 2024 onwards (Cape Town event on 21st September 2024), when the rules changed to require women to complete 100 Wall Balls.

For the old World Records, achieved when 75 Wall Balls was the requirement, click here.

World record in the HYROX Women’s Open was set by was set by Sinead Bent in London, November 2024 with a time of 00:58:47 (beating the previous 75 Wall Ball World Record!).

The Women’s Open World Records by age group are as follows:

16-24 – Charlotte Vandenlindenloof – 01:02:41 (in Paris, November 2024).

25-29 – Sinead Bent – 00:58:47 (in London, November 2024).

30-34 – Gloria Corbetta – 01:02:09 (in Milan, October 2024).

35-39 – Nikki Brammeier – 01:03:41 (in Birmingham, October 2024).

40-44 – Lauren Wilson – 01:02:10 (in Dublin, November 2024).

45-49 – Jennifer Weston – 01:05:54 (in Chicago, November 2024).

50-54 – Katherine O’Hara – 01:10:32 (in London, November 2024).

55-59 – Christiane Heider – 01:14:42 (in Frankfurt, December 2024).

60-64 – Anette Meier-Ullmann – 01:18:27 (in Frankfurt, December 2024).

65-69 – Lis Ramsey – 1:32:26 (in Manchester, January 2025).

70-74 – Kirsten Frederiksen – 01:27:15 (in Amsterdam, October 2024).

75-79  –  Rosa Sanchez Navarrete – 02:17:02 (in Mexico City, November 2024).

Men’s Pro Doubles

World record in the Men’s Pro Doubles division set by Hunter McIntyre and Michael Sandbach, in Manchester, on 27th January 2024, with a time of 50:18m.

The Men’s Pro Doubles world records, by age group, are as follows:

16-29 – Tom Franssens –  @move_to.mprove  –  Thierry Willigenburg – @theirryraoul – 00:51:49 (in Cologne, Apr 2024)

30-39 – Hunter McIntyre – @huntthesherriff – Michael Sandbach – @sandy6000 – 00:50:18 (in Manchester, Jan 2024)

40-49  –  Jaafar Moumen – @ jaafar_mn –  Robert Van Herk   –  @de_sportvakman  –  00:53:24 (in Amsterdam, October 2024)

50-59 – Simon Passmore – @sipass70 – Danny Sevilla – @danny_a_123 –  00:58:02 (in Frankfurt, December 2024)

Women’s Pro Doubles

World record in the Women’s Pro Doubles division set by Megan Jacoby and Linda Meier in a time of 00:55:02 in Cologne on 14th April 2024.

The Women’s Pro Doubles world records by age group are as follows:

16-29  –  Joanna Wietrzyk –  @joannawietrzyk –  Lucy Procter  –  @_lucyprocter  – 00:58:02 (in Las Vegas, February 2025)

30-39  –  Megan Jacoby – @mjac0by  – Linda Meier – – 00:55:02 (in Cologne, April 2024)

40-49  – Jezabel Kremer  –  @jezabelkremer –   Muntsa Ciurò  –  @muntseta_spartan_13  – 00:59:02 (in Paris, November 2024)

50-59  –  Cheryl Snow – @cherylpsnow  –  Kim Cole – @kacole41 – 01:07:25 (in Anaheim, May 2024)

Men’s Open Doubles

World record in the Men’s Open Doubles set by Rich Ryan and Pelayo Menendez-Fernandez in Dallas 2023, with a time of 48:36m.

The Men’s Doubles world records by age group are as follows:

16-29  –  Charlie Botterill –  @charlie_efmb –  Lucas Parker  –  @coachparkerpt –  00:50:12 (in Manchester, January 2025)

30-39  –  Rich Ryan  –  @reinforced_rich_running  –  Pelayo Menendez Fernandez  –  @pelayofelechosa  –  00:48:36 (in Dallas 2023)

40-49  –  Jaafar Moumen  –  @jaafar_mn  –  Robert Van Herk –  @de_sportvakman  –  00:52:20 (in Gdansk, May 2024)

50-59  –  Simon Passmore  –  @sipass70  –  Danny Sevilla  –  @danny_a_123  –  00:55:28  (in London, November 2023)

60-69  –  Stefan Eichorn  –  @stefanhybrid60  –  Peter Kelly  –  @peter_k60  –  1:03:45 (in Copenhagen, March 2024)

70+  –  Stuart Chorley  –  @stu_chorley  –  Marino Malinka –  @malinkajim  –  1:35:16 (in London, April 2024)


Women’s Open Doubles

Note – these are the NEW World Records, set from September 2024 onwards (Cape Town event on 21st September 2024), when the rules changed to require women to complete 100 Wall Balls.

For the old World Records, achieved when 75 Wall Balls was the requirement, click here.

World record in the Women’s Open Doubles set by Margot Vandenlindenloof and Charlotte Vandenlindenloof with a time of 00:56:56, in Amsterdam, October 2024.

The Women’s Doubles world records by age group are as follows:

16-29 – Margot Vandenlindenloof and Charlotte Vandenlindenloof – 00:56:56 (in Amsterdam, October 2024).

30-39 – Charlotte Taylor-Green, Sinead Bent – 00:57:31 (in London, November 2024).

40-49 – Sam Bilbie, Georgina Wood – 58:02 (in Manchester, January 2025).

50-59 – Christine Schweizer, Katja Schulz – 01:07:50 (in Frankfurt, December 2024).

60+ – Carol Norris, Wendy Williams – 01:14:05 (in London, November 2024).

Mixed Doubles

World record in the mixed doubles set by Alexander Roncevic and Alice Schurer with a time of 50:58m, in Cologne, Apr 2024.

The Mixed Doubles world records by age group are as follows:

16-29  –  Alexander Roncevic –  @alexander.roncevic  –  Alice Schurer  –  @alice4sure  –  00:50:58 (in Cologne, Apr 2024)

30-39  –  Megan Jacoby  –  @mjac0by  –  Ryan Kent  –  @dr0p_the_hammer  –  00:51:16 (in Dallas, Nov 2023)

40-49  –  Joffrey Voisin  –  @joff_coach  –  Jezabel Kramer  –  @jezabelkremer –  00:53:56 (in Karlsruhe, March 2024)

50-59  –  Amy Bevilacqua  –  @amyzbevilacqua –  James Caroland  –  @cryptob0y  –  01:00:27 (in Las Vegas, February 2025)

60+  – Wendy Williams – @williamsjnr01  –  Peter Kelly – @peter_k60  –  01:11:59 – (in Glasgow 2024)


Men’s Relay

Men’s relay world record set by George Wootten, Travis Owles, Charlie Botterill, Ollie Russell with a time of 47:23m (in Manchester, January 2025).

Mens, over 40’s, relay world record set by Iain Irving, John Denovan, Gavin Hogarth, and Rich Solomon in a time of 52:53 (in Birmingham, Oct 2023).


Women’s Relay

World record in the Women’s Relay set by Lauren Weeks, Kate Davey, Lauren Griffith, Zara Piergianni in Las Vegas 2025 in a time of 00:53:14.

Over 40’s World record set by Vicky Yuill, Leanne Bain, Clare Mears, Joda Quigley in a time of 01:02:19 in Glasgow 2024.

Mixed Relay

Mixed relay world record set by Lukas Storath, Megan Jacoby, Linda Meier and Ryan Kent with a time of 49:19m (in Cologne, April 2024).

Mixed, over 40’s, relay world record set by Sam Bilbie, Paul Gillingham, Michael Sandbach, Georgina Wood in a time of 52:36 (in Manchester, January 2025).

Photo credit: Erik Wittkopf

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