The 2022/23 HYROX race in Dallas was on 18th March 2023 at the Fort Worth Convention Center. The results and review from that race are below…

Men’s Pro

The Men’s pro was won by Rich Ryan in a personal best time of 00:59:11.  Second was Marcus Wallace in 01:01:33, and completing the podium was Anass Zhoury in 01:02:08.

You can see the live stream of the Men’s Pro race (which HYROX America always do so well) on their Instagram account here.

Here’s what Rich had to say to us after his win which sees him break into the Elite 15 qualifying spots for the 2023 HYROX World Championships:

Women’s Pro

The Women’s Pro race was won by Vivian Tafuto in a time of 01:05:18. An extremely close second was reigning world champion Kris Rugloski in 01:05:33, and third was Cali Schweikhart in 01:11:19.  A recording of the race can be watched here. 

Those times see Vivian strengthen her position in the Elite 15 qualifying spots, and Kris break into it for the first time this season. Vivian kindly shared her thoughts on the race with us in the video below…

Men’s Open

Fastest in the Men’s Open was Lazaro Perez in a time of 01:03:35.

Second was Marcus Farris in 01:05:23 , followed by JC Clough in third place with a time of 01:06:26.

Women’s Open

Fastest in the Women’s Open race was Ashley Robert in a time of 01:08:06 . A very close second was Kristen Bartiss in 01:08:22. Third place was taken by Maggie McDonald in 01:11:41. 


The fastest Mixed Doubles time was set by Sean White and Belle Macfarlane in 00:59:29. This was only the second ever HYROX appearance from Belle who had made her debut a few weeks prior in Houston, finishing 2nd in the Women’s Pro that day. 

The Men’s Doubles was won by Victor Quezada and Mark Bottenhorn in a time of 00:58:56.

The Women’s Doubles was won by Kris Rugloski and Cassidy Nicholas in 01:03:06 (yes, this is the same Kris Rugloski as who had already come 2nd in the Pro division earlier on in the day. She was also part of the winning relay team later on in the day – incredible!).

If you competed in Dallas, let us know in the comments below how your race went, and what you thought of the day!

Other US HYROX events have been held in Houston, Miami, and Chicago (amongst others).  Read up on the most recent HYROX Dallas event here.

Here are some photos of the event:

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