HYROX, The World Series of Fitness Racing has issued a newly updated rulebook for its 2024/25 season, the rule book addresses several changes to how this season’s events will be run and how athletes qualify and participate in various event formats.

HYROX is one of the fastest-growing fitness brands on earth, with over 500,000 people expected to participate in a race this season.

The HYROX Sport Team led by Mintra Tilly has issued these updates to the rule book to address necessary changes as the sport continues to develop and ensure an unrivalled experience for all athletes.

Key Changes (Movement Standards):

  • Ski/Row – The Damper setting can be adjusted as many times as needed
  • Sled Push & Sled Pull – Athletes must use a lane assigned to them by a judge
  • Sled Pull – Athletes must not step on the solid white line at the end of the athletes box
  • Burpees – Parallel feet on take-off and landing, no staggered take-offs
  • Farmers Carry – Kettlebells must be placed back in their position handles up
  • Lunges – The athlete’s foot must completely cross all white lines including turning points and finishing lines. 
  • Wall Balls – All Women’s divisions must now complete 100 Reps (New World Records will be established pre and post-this change)

Key Changes (Elite 15 Competitions)

  • Major Qualification – Qualification:
    • Winners of Last Year’s Majors
    • 1st, 2nd and 3rd place from World Championships (roll down to 5th if an athlete already qualifies)
    • Average of fastest 2 times run in the Pro category in the preceding 365 days from race date

Key Changes (Equipment):

  • Athletes may not use headphones, cell phones, VR Headsets, Go Pro or any type of body camera.

The new rulebooks are available now on HYROX.com – HYROX will provide further details on other changes over the coming weeks.

You can view the Rulebooks here.

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