The HYROX leaderboard is where all stats, for all races, for all athletes, over all time can be found. It is a wealth of data that helps you analyse your results and compare your ranking against other HYROX competitors from around the world. However, it is not necessarily easy to understand. Therefore, in this article, we’ll give a full explanation as to how to analyse the results data in the HYROX leaderboard.
The leaderboard can be accessed at this link . It can also be accessed by clicking “Results and Rankings” on the HYROX homepage. You will see a page that looks similar to the below…

From here you have a number of options…
Individual Athlete Results
In the search box beneath “Race Results” you can type someone’s name, or athlete number, and find their previous race results. This is helpful if you are looking for a specific person (such as yourself). However, it will only show the results for the current selected season. If you are looking for the results from a previous season, you’ll need to select that season in the dropdown at the top of the page.
Once you have selected a specific athlete in this search box, you will be presented with a screen similar to the below…

This shows the athlete name, age group, number, nationality, the race they competed at, and the division in which they competed. It will also show their times by each station, and their ranking, by station, on the day compared to all others in their division. On the right hand side it shows the exact time of day that the athlete entered, and left, each station.
HYROX Event Leadboard
If you want to look at the leaderboard for a specific event, you can do that by gender / division by selecting the relevant dropdowns in the box on the left…

(note – you can likely ignore the “workout” dropdown unless you want to specifically see times by a workout station, as opposed to the overall race).
This will give you a screen such as the below…

In this instance, it is showing you the top finishers in the 40-44 age group, in the Men’s division, at HYROX Malmo 2023. The left hand column shows the overall finishing position of that athlete in that division, the second column shows position in that age group, and the remaining columns show nationality (which isn’t always 100% correct in my experience), athlete number, age group, and finishing time.
By clicking on any athlete name in this list you will be shown a more in depth breakdown of the race results for that athlete (as per the previous section).
All Time Ranking
If you want to see the best ever times in HYROX, by division, you would select “All Time Ranking” at the top of the page.

This will bring up the fastest ever times for the selected division (which can be changed in the dropdowns).

As ever, by clicking on an athlete’s name in this list, you will be presented with a more detailed breakdown of that athlete’s race.
Major Qualification Ranking
By selecting “Major Qualification Ranking” at the top of the page, you will be shown the athlete’s currently in contention for a spot in the Elite races at the HYROX Majors for that season. For more details on the Elite qualifying process, check out this article.

In the above example, the first 5 listed athletes have already qualified for the “Majors” by their success in a previous championship race. The next set of athletes are those in the remaining qualifying spots for the Elite 15 races, based on having the next fastest average times in the qualifying period. Those outside the top 15 (not shown in image) are in contention for a spot should places rolldown if one of the first 15 doesn’t accept their spot at the Major race.
Live Races
Finally, when a race is underway, it is possible to follow a specific athlete, or just the overall leaderboard, for that race in real time. This is done by selecting “Current and Live” at the top of the page.

From here you would then select the race and division in the dropdowns, and be able to see how a specific race is going.

If you wanted to follow a specific athlete, and they weren’t already shown on the screen (which typically shows the fastest in the division up to that point in the race), you would type their name into the search box near the bottom of the page.

Hopefully this has helped you to navigate the HYROX leaderboard system, but if you have any questions then just get in touch and we’ll do our best to help.