The latest HYROX Copenhagen event was held on 14th and 15th March 2025 at the Bella Center Copenhagen.

Read on for the main results of the day…

Men’s Pro

There were a number of impressive performances in the Men’s Pro division – with 11 athletes finishing in under 1 hour.  The race was ultimately being won by Dane, Sebastian Ifversen, in a time of 00:56:30.

Second was Joffrey Voisin in 00:56:35, and third place was taken by Sadiq Elfitouri in a time of 00:56:42.

Women’s Pro

The Women’s Pro was won by Alice Schürer in a time of 01:02:37.

Second was Laura Valgreen in 01:04:03.

Third place was taken by Jóhanna Júlía Júlíusdôttir in a time of 01:04:54.

Pro Doubles

The Men’s Pro Doubles was won by Max Nilsson and Magnus Jigin in a time of 00:54:38.

The Women’s Pro Doubles was won by Felicia Eklund and Daniela Eklund in a time of 01:00:55.

World Records

Congratulations to the following athletes for achieving age group World Record times:

Women’s Pro Doubles:

50-59 – Kristjana Hildur Gunnarsdóttir, Camilla Ã…bergh – 01:04:26


All other results can be found on the HYROX website.

Here are some photos of the event…

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